View Profile DaMiStudios

100 Game Reviews

22 w/ Responses


Decent gameplay and shop. The gameplay gets old at about level 50.
Once you get past a few levels the archers become very useful. Just buy a bunch of them and use mass upgrading to win. After that, the game is rather boring.

Nice work with things!

Unfortunate events!

Nice game.
For everyone complaining about Wade Mode, TOUCH EVERYTHING! (Mouse+Keyboard).

Good audio quality and decent graphics.
Highest score: 897

Just how do you get above 2000?

thinking-man responds:


Great game!

Nice and smooth controls, they can take a moment to get used to but after that is is very easy to control the player.
Multipule storylines are nice, only found 2 possible ones as of the current time, but don't know how many more if any, there are.

The large game map is nice but it can be slightly hard to go to a specific point sometimes. PLayers need to play the game one to to a good knowladge of where most things are.

The endurance system is very cool and runs very smooth. POwerups to reduce the endurance cost are an interesting idea.

The images/artwork are very nice and are a high detail level for a Fixel run game. The audio can seem repetitive if the player is in one area for a while but that's not a major issue.

The addition of a new medals is nice. With a single game completed the player can get 3-4 medals easily.

Great game overall! 5/5 9/10

Rather enjoyable!

The gameplay is simple enough and the addition of forced adaptatin was ok. This is a great game for strategy. Controls for moving the individual units are simple enough, but moving pultiple units take a moment or two to understand.
Teh ability to create multiple groups to create a tactial advantage is nice, but sometimes hard to manage. The automatic evolution on reproduce is an interesting gameplay idea!

There are few flaws in this game asside form a rather repetitive soundtrack. Any future squels to this game would be quite fun to play!

The custom level system is a nice idea, and the lock feature is good. IT ensures players have a good understnading of the game before they go and create bizzare and advanced levels!

Good work! 9/10 5/5

It's a good game. Nice and relaxed.

Gameplay is rather simple and interesting.
However, it may be a good idea to add a system that will prevent level 1 or 2 items from being spawned once the higher level items are created.
The concept of combining objects is rather generic but this is a nice twist on the popular matching games. A tweak or two to the game could help but may not be 100% required. Nice work and good luck with future works! :D

Cool game.

IT probably needs to be stated that gernades and otehr stuff is UNLOCKED.

2 rather annoying lgitches that have been encountered:
POWERUP box stuck inder a building, cannot get it, annoying as hell.
GAME ERROR player kills all zombies but gets stuck in level, menu (PAUSE) disabled, need to refresh to fix.

Anyhow, aside from a few.... angering issues, it's a good game. Just fix the bugs stated here and this will then be a rather badass game! Miltipule lives and difficulties appreciated! :D

Good luck with any future upgrades/sequels to this game!


not too bad. No dragging glitches detectable and a decent selection of items.
A background music track with a mute button would be nice, as well as a feature to 'test' the gun.

As a final suggestion, despite how hard it would be, maybe add an option were when testing, the performance of the gun is determined by the parts used.

Good luck with 2.0


simple gameplay. Not too hard to figure it out.
A system for making you faster would be nice (upgrades).
Say, increase the speed boost per pepper, desrease friction, increase starting distance.

If you plan to make a sequel with improvements, that would be awsome!

Nice job!

Despite some small grammar errors, this was a great flash submition!
This is a great guide for medals and contains all information for creating, editing and FAQ for medals.
Teh medals included are nice! Trying to find them, just explore, finding them on your own is way more fun than asking for help!

Good luck for future work!
Making and more NG guides? You seem good at it!

EventHorizon responds:

thanks, and I'm glad you liked the game!

Bloody fantastic! Well made and detailed RPG! :D

Thsi is a great game, detailed maps, LOTS of NPCs to talk to, high ability to customiize charactors! Well made battle and map animations with nice music!

This is not an average RPG, unlike most found on this site, you actualy need to take a few hours to play through and even so, the gameplay can be slightly different every time depending in how you level up players and the skills!

A bit annoying on internet explorer when the keys 'stick', use anotehr brower to play minigames. Not too much of an issue for map navigation.

Slow regen feature is nice, makes item use a lot less stressful.
Large variety of attacks/abilitties with several levels of power.
Extensive beastiary with details on all enemies.
Speech form players is often interesting and adds to the game and story.
A decent plot here, not too detailed but enough for everything to be understandable.

This game was bit overkill with the medals, although it's not a huge deal, more stuff to try to get! Nice that earning more medlas unlock some areas in game!
Get as many as you can!

Several save slots with useful and simple game stats!
Funny preloader game! Make sure to play that while the game loads for the first time on your computer! 24 MB takes a good minute or two even on a high speen connection! It is deffinetly worth the wait!

Great job Matt! Any plans for a few small Epic Fantasy games in the future?
(9/10 5/5)

You can visit us on YouTube, search up the same username. We're working on animations right now, and hope to bring you some flash creations in the future!


Gaming and Animating

Big friggin hole

Joined on 6/8/09

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